First Kicks Registrations are now closed.
We may have some spots still available, so please contact our coordinator
First Kicks aims to provide an enjoyable introduction to the great game of football by giving the kids the foundation skills to take them to the next stage, in a friendly and safe environment, with the emphasis on fun.
First Kicks is a great way for kids aged 4 – 6 to play football and have fun. The club places the kids into small teams with parent coaches where they will develop their skills and learn football techniques through fun themed games and trainings.
When - First Kicks train each Thursday at Grosvenor Park from 4.30pm to 5.15pm
What you will need for trainings - your child will need shorts, socks, shin pads and football boots. Warm clothes for the winter and a drink bottle.
What you will need for games - your child will need club shorts, club socks, shin pads, football boots and a drink bottle.
A club playing shirt is provided to each player and a brand new football! The shirts are only to be worn for games, not for trainings or school!
Parental Support - please feel free to provide lots of positive encouragement from the sidelines because it is the best way to support the team and your child. We would also encourage you to teach your child to play by the rules, respect game officials and respect others; it is as important as learning the skills necessary to successfully play a sport.
Coaching - we cannot run First Kicks without those willing to get involved as coaches. It is a fun and rewarding way to spend your Saturday mornings. The club provides free coaching courses each year to all those who are interested.
Managers - if coaching is not your thing, but you would love to help, please let us know as all teams need a manager too! Our managers manage the team as far as letting everyone know when and where they have to be, who is bringing the oranges this week and support the coach.